More of God | Ephesians 3

Welcome to Real Life. Do you want more?

“All you need is love. 
But a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt.”
–Charles Schulz

I am satisfied with too little of God. The realization struck me while reading Ephesians 3.
And I pray that you… may have power…to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.
I crave more. More of God. More of his fullness. More of his love.

For a number of years, I downplayed the importance of God’s love. I didn’t think I was worthy of it. Is anyone worthy? So, I tried harder. I focused on my performance for God. Do this. Don’t do that. But we live from our hearts. When my heart lacked love, I was turning in a daily homework assignment for a grade, instead of writing God a love letter.

Love is foundational. Every person needs love. That’s how God designed us. Only he can fully satisfy this craving. That’s why God wants us rooted and established in his love. So there’s no question. Yes, God loves me. I know it. I feel it. I rest securely in it. Am I worthy of it? No. But it doesn’t matter. God still loves us. He loves us because it’s who he is. God is love.

God is the source of love. A life without love is a sad existence. Love makes us whole. God’s love is not the fleeting crush of immaturity. His love is the sustaining strength of a marriage that endures for decades. It’s tough. Unbreakable. It doesn’t wax and wane dependent on our behavior. It’s constant. God loves us when we are lovable. And when we’re not.

How do we grasp a love so wide and long and high and deep that it is beyond our ability to comprehend? We experience it. By faith, we enter in. It is sacred. It is holy. It is the heart of God.

As a woman of faith, when I go about my daily routine and fail to grasp it or even forget about it, I am satisfied with too little. I nibble on crumbs. He’s offering the loaf.

God wants more for us. He is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine. I tend to translate this “more” into things I want to see happen. Heal my sister. Provide a job for my friend. Eradicate Coronavirus. These are weighty needs. And God is fully able to deliver. But they pale in comparison with the GREAT need—to know this love that surpasses knowledge.

Perhaps, like me in the past, you struggle to experience God’s love. You don’t feel worthy. Or maybe you’re not sure God exists. Pray. Ask him. Those who seek God with all their hearts, find him. He is worth every effort. In the end, you'll find He has been pursuing you all along!

Don't be satisfied with too little. God wants more for us.

Our Father God,
I pray that out of your glorious riches you may strengthen us
With power through your Spirit in our inner beings,
So that Christ may dwell in our hearts through faith.
And I pray that we, being rooted and established in love,
May have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people,
To grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ,
And to know this love that surpasses knowledge—
That we may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.

 Now to you, the One who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask
Or imagine, according to your power that is at work within us
To you be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus
Throughout all generations, for ever and ever!

(Ephesians 3:14-21 NIV)

Love Image by
: Joanna Malinowska, Warsaw, PL;


  1. This is a right-now focus of mine, as well. Great post! Asking God to create a thirst for him...

    1. Kelly, I love it when God reinforces a thought or direction through someone else. Sacred echo! Thanks for sharing.


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