Učina | Simple Acts of Kindness
Welcome to Real Life. In his book Just a Minute , Wes Stafford tells stories of children whose lives have been impacted by an adult who cared. This is the story of an adult who cared about me. Leo and Frances Kramar at my parents' wedding When my father immigrated to the United States, he was sponsored by Leo and Frances Kramar. The Kramar family once lived in his hometown of Lučky , Slovakia. They had moved to America years earlier and were now well-established. Though not related, we called them Uček and Učina (uncle and aunt). The Kramars owed my father nothing. Yet, they selflessly gave of their time and resources to help first him (as a bachelor) and then his new family (once he married) settle in America. Uček was kind. Yet, he was often busy helping my father. But, Učina was kind and welcoming. She enjoyed our presence. The couple owned a neat brick double in an old Slavic neighborhood of Cleveland. To a child, it was an enormous place with endless n