Israel Had No King | Judges 18-21

Fighters from ISIS march in Raqqa, Syria (Associate Press file photo) Welcome to Real Life . Who am I following? Who am I leading? Iraq and Syria, lacking stable leadership, have been overrun by ISIS. Lawlessness reigns. It took a horrific act—the beheading of two journalists and an aid worker—for the world to take action to stop the Islamic State. “In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as he saw fit.” Judges 17:6 and 21:25 Also in the Middle East, some 3000 years ago, during the time of the judges, the nation of Israel was degenerating into a state of lawlessness. Israel had no king. For, God himself was to be their king. [1] However, theocracy can’t work if God’s people walk away from him and his laws and create their own rules. As with ISIS, it took a horrific act to rally the nation of Israel to action. Judges 18 The tribe of Dan abandons their appointed inheritance. They attack the peaceful, unsuspecting people of Laish, burn the city, and settle there. ...