Lunch Date
Welcome to Real Life . You’ve probably heard the question: If you could have lunch with anyone, past or present, who would you choose? Recently, I served on jury duty. As the judge and attorneys vetted our jury pool, the defense attorney asked a young woman the lunch question. “My grandmother,” she answered. “She’s no longer with us. I’d love to sit down with her one more time.” The attorney never asked the same question twice. I had no need to think of how I would answer. Even so, his question stuck in my mind. If not bound by time and place, who would I choose? My own dear grandma (long deceased), Jesus Christ (of course), Abraham Lincoln... Then, in an instant, I knew. If I could have lunch with anyone, past or present, it would be my father at age 40. Officer Cyril Salva, Slovak Army My father led an incredibly interesting life. In 1919, he was born Cyril Methodius Salva in Lúčky [1] , a mid-sized town in the newly formed nation of Czechoslovakia. He came of age