The Right Plan | Acts 9

Welcome to Real Life . Whose plan are we following? “I'm sorry, did I roll my eyes out loud?” –Anonymous We are living in an era of anger and hostility. Someone aptly described it as the “age of outrage.” People are easily offended, and quick to cancel —punish, shame, humiliate, or terminate—those who offend. Outrage, of course, is not unique to our times. In the days of the early church, Saul of Tarsus was fueled by righteous indignation. He knew the Scriptures. He had studied the Law and the Prophets under Gamaliel, the most highly respected rabbi of the first century. Saul felt a personal responsibility to guard the Jewish faith and traditions from heresy. He considered the disciples of Jesus Christ to be dangerous and offensive. For he believed they were deceiving Jews with their message of grace, forgiveness, and salvation through faith in Christ rather than in meticulous obedience to the Law. He set out to cancel the Christians. Thus, Saul began zealously persecuting the ear...