Deborah | If You Go, I'll Go | Judges 4-5

Welcome to Real Life . If you go, I’ll go. Have you ever been afraid to walk into an unfamiliar situation alone? _____ Under Joshua, Israel had conquered and occupied much of the Promised Land of Canaan … but, not all of it. Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites remained. After Joshua’s death, the Israelites intermarried with these foreigners. And, soon, the people of God were bowing to pagan idols. Because they had removed themselves from God and his protection, the Israelites were conquered and oppressed by one enemy after another. In their misery, they cried out to the Lord. He raised up judges [1] to lead his people back to physical and spiritual freedom. _____ “I’ll only go, Deborah, if you go,” said Barack, the commander of Israel's army. Israel was firmly held under the grip of Jabin, a Canannite king. Israel's judge, Deborah, had called for Barak and given him this order from God: Take 10,...