A Position of Influence | Lessons from James
Welcome to Real Life . When I read this verse, I caught my breath. “Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly.” [1] I’m teaching a women’s class right now. Should I be? It’s a serious responsibility. A teacher holds a position of influence. I must be careful to teach what’s true. God will hold me accountable. This verse speaks about the position of teacher in the church. However in a broader sense, we’re all teachers. We all wield influence. You’re teaching me and I’m teaching you. Every day, we’re learning about life from each other. A neighbor with lupus never complains. A friend donates a kidney to a stranger. A son begins his day reading God's Word. Unless you’re a hermit, you're life is affecting someone. You are a teacher. What lessons is my life teaching? Who I am, what I say, and what I do reflect what I believe at the core of my being. That thought