There is a Redeemer | The Book of Ruth

Welcome to Real Life . Hope often arrives in the smallest of packages—like a newborn babe. _____ When I returned to Bethlehem, my old friends asked, “Could this be Naomi?” “ Don’t call me Naomi, call me Mara (bitter)… I went away full, but the Lord has brought me back empty…the Almighty has brought misfortune on me.” My troubles began in the years of famine. As food grew scarce in Israel, my husband Elimelech heard of a bountiful harvest in Moab. So, he moved our family there. Initially, we prospered. However, within a decade, both my husband and our two sons had died. Oh, Elimelech, why did we think God would bless us in a pagan land? I decided it was time to go home. My sons left no children, but they did leave two Moabite widows, Orpah and Ruth. When I kissed my daughters-in-law goodbye, Ruth clung to me. She had been the curious one. Why is that blood on your doorposts? Why can’t you eat pork? Why is Israel the Promised Land? Shortly a...