Jesus' Second Coming | Matthew 24
Welcome to Real Life . “Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again.” [1] These words were proclaimed every Sunday in the church I attended while growing up. I understood that Jesus died and rose again. But, I never thought about the “Christ will come again” part. In the days before Jesus is crucified, he warns the disciples that he will soon die. But, the cross will not be the end. He will rise from the dead. Afterwards, he will go to heaven to prepare a place for them. Then, he promises to return for them at a later date. The disciples ask, “Tell us what will be the sign of your coming?” “No one knows the day or hour when these things will happen,” Jesus says. He gives four word pictures to emphasize one point: his return will be unexpected. First Picture. It will be like Noah’s day. People were throwing parties, getting married, and living their everyday lives right up until the moment the flood swept them away. I've seen footage of the angry wall of wat