Only God Can Make a Tree | 1 Corinthians 3

Welcome to Real Life . Who do I follow? I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow . (1 Cor. 3:6) It seems we cannot help but idolize people. A popular TV show held a competition to see who would become the next… American Idol . A vocalist, actor, or athlete tends to garner the largest fan base. My Cleveland's superstar athlete, LeBron James, has 34 million followers on Twitter. However, at the moment, our nation is most deeply divided over whom we follow politically. Who will save America? The church is not exempt. Billy Graham, Mother Theresa, and C.S. Lewis are a few of our favorite mega-saints. Those whose lives inspire most are most admired. Many of us follow (i.e., attend the church of) the pastor we hold in highest esteem. In California, Rick Warren's Saddleback Church is attended by 22,000 weekly. [1] We further divide allegiance to Christ by denomination—theological camps formed by men. Early on, the first century church also followed t...