
Showing posts from June, 2021

Movement is Evidence of Life | James 2

Welcome to Real Life . Show me your faith! People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day. –A.A. Milne Out hiking, my husband and I spied a momma robin in her nest. She sat so still. We assumed she did so to camouflage her presence. As we approached, however, she never turned, blinked, or even closed her beak. That’s when we realized. She’s dead. Movement is evidence of life. Like that momma bird, unless our faith results in some form of action, it’s dead. Movement is evidence of life. So you see, faith by itself isn’t enough. Unless it produces good deeds, it is dead and useless. James 2:17 NLT By grace we are saved through faith. [1] That faith, however, should move us to pray, give, forgive, help, serve, and more. These good deeds don’t save us. If we could drum up enough goodness to earn heaven, Jesus did not have to shed his blood. But we can’t. We need Jesus! We cannot achieve righteousness. We can only receive it when we kneel at the cross and say, “Lord, I beli