Called to Be a Lifegiver! | 1 Timothy 2:15

Welcome to Real Life. Happy Mother's Day!

In January, I was in church on a Sunday morning praying fervently that God would give me his message for the women of MUMs (Moms Uplifting Moms), our mother's ministry. I had been asked to speak at their Mother's Day Brunch. "Women will be saved through childbearing" popped into my mind. The entire verse reads,
But women will be saved through childbearing—if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety.
1 Timothy 2:15 NIV
Childbearing does not saves our souls. Only Jesus Christ can do that. Rather, childbearing saves us in giving us a powerful purpose and calling—Lifegiver!

Since Coronavirus prevents large gatherings, my church ( recorded the message instead. (Message Notes/Resources)

Go and be God's lifegivers! 

Please consider sharing this with a mom who could use some encouragement. Thanks so much!  


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