We Belong Together | 1 Peter 2

Welcome to Real Life. I need you!

If we have no peace it is because
we have forgotten that we belong to each other.
–Mother Theresa[1]

I spent an hour talking to someone on the phone the other day. I know… a whole hour feels extravagant. I almost felt guilty. I could have done laundry, exercised, or worked on a project. But she and I hadn’t talked in a long while, both of us busy with work and family. After we hung up, I felt connected to her. It felt good!

Days race by. We work, study, go, and do. All the while, we're often surrounded by people and feel alone. We comment on social media. We text (to avoid an hour phone call). Time is precious. We’ve grown rich in belongings, poor in belonging.

And yet, we need to belong! God hard-wired us for relationships. You and I were born into a family. We are meant to exist within a community. From others, we learn, grow, and develop. Through others, we discover who we’re meant to be, what we love to do, where we shine, and where we don't. In community, our strengths are multiplied and weaknesses minimized. Yes, some relationships can be difficult, even painful. But when we remain in close proximity, you rub off my rough edges and I rub off yours. We learn to give grace generously. Because we need it, too. And we need each other. Together, we find a place to belong.

Today, most of us work-play-relax in front of a screen. A screen is a poor substitute for a face. Thereby, we must intentionally seek face-to-face time. Faces express feelings, smile, laugh, kiss. I need your face. And you need mine.

Our relational need is amplified in the household of faith. I am a child of God. I was born (again) into his family. Once I stood outside. I did not know God. But now, I know him. God is my father. Jesus Christ is my brother. Jesus was born in Bethlehem so we could see and touch God’s face. In God’s house, I rub shoulders with sisters and brothers. Yes, some relationships can be difficult, even painful. But I remain. I belong. After spending time with my faith family, I walk away encouraged, empowered, wiser, and wholer. Because I need you. And you need me. I’m so glad I’m a part of the family of God.

Once you had no identity as a people;
now you are God’s people.
Once you received no mercy;
now you have received God’s mercy.
1 Peter 2:10 New Living Translation (NLT)

God’s family isn’t exclusive. Anyone can be born (again) into it. If you are standing outside, the door is wide open. Step in by faith. The Church of Jesus Christ is a table with room for one more—you!

It’s a new year. Splurge! Lavish an hour on someone. Call her on the phone. Meet him for coffee. Visit a neighbor. Attend a church service. Take a class. Intentionally grow relationships. Because I'm not sure if I mentioned it, but I need you! And you need me. We belong together!

Dearest Father-God,
Your door, your heart, is always open to us!
Most of all, may we grow in our relationship with you.
Thank you for loving us well,
For pursuing a relationship with us.

And sending your Son to make a way.
Teach us to love each other well.

In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

Take it further:

[1] www.brainyquote.com
Photo Credit:  https://www.istockphoto.com/portfolio/Rawpixel?mediatype=photography 


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