The Cleansing Power of Grace | Titus 2

Welcome to Real Life. Our world sorely lacks grace. Lines are drawn. Judgment is swift. We hear without listening. Decide before seeking to understand.

[Grace likes us--even tired and crabby.]
While grace listens, understands, loves.
  • Grace issues a warning instead of a ticket.
  • Grace wipes the spill with a smile.
  • Grace likes us—even tired and crabby. 
  • Grace finds beauty beyond wrinkles.
  • Grace hugs a rebellious child.
  • Grace hears the hurting heart behind harsh words.
  • Grace is a gift, never earned, most appreciated when least deserved.

We want grace, don't we? I want you to like me even tired and crabby. But we don't always want to give it.

“Grace isn’t fair. Evil people should be punished,” someone once told me. A terrorist falls on his knees, begs God’s forgiveness, and trusts in Christ. He doesn’t deserve grace. Until I see. I am the terrorist. I can be cruel, arrogant, ugly. None of us deserve it. That's grace.
When we don't get what we deserve that's a real good thing
When we get what we don't deserve
That's a real good thing
–Newsboys “Real Good Thing,” Going Public 1994
Grace fascinates me. For years, I misunderstood it. I thought grace opened God’s door. But once inside, I had to earn my place. But I couldn't be perfectly good. No one can. When I messed up, I thought God was shaking his head at me in disappointment. In turn, I began shaking my head at others when they messed up. I walked away from grace.

But God’s grace doesn’t stop. After we trust in Christ, he keeps pouring out grace. He sees us through eyes of loving kindness, not head-shaking-disappointment. It's his kindness that leads us to repentance.[1]

So I can act selfish and ugly because God will forgive. If I believe this, I don’t understand the first thing about grace. (Or the destructive nature of sin. Read more.) Grace purifies. Grace is Christ personified. Grace suffered and bled on a cross. Grace equips us for holiness.
For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people. It teaches us to say “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age.
Titus 2:11-12 NIV
Jesus is grace. He is the portal. Through him we enter God’s holy realm. Holiness—pure, beautiful, goodness. When I read of it in God’s Word, see it in God's people, and experience it in his presence, I desire it. My ugly lusts, attitudes, and motives are exposed. I begin to understand. My heart grieves, confesses. He forgives, cleanses. I begin desiring what God desires for us. Holiness.

Grace purifies. We need it desperately. God never stops giving grace. Let's not stop either. When we get (and give) what we don't deserve. That's a real good thing! 

Dear Father-God,
Thank you for loving us
And seeing us with eyes of grace.
We could never earn your gift.
We gratefully receive it.
May we follow your example
And see others with eyes of grace.
In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Grace suffered and bled on a cross.

Take it further… Grace is a gift God won't force upon us. We receive it by faith.

Lord Jesus,
I need You. Thank You for dying on the cross for my sins. I open the door of my life and receive You as my Savior and Lord. Thank You for forgiving my sins and giving me eternal life. Take control of the throne of my life. Make me the kind of person You want me to be. Amen.

Learn more about Knowing God Personally

[1] Romans 2:4
[2] Salvation prayer by Cru (see link above).
Image of Crosses:
Image of Baby:  My son Dennis at 6 mos. old


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