Dare to Dream with God | Luke 1:37

Welcome to Real Life.

You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” ~ C.S. Lewis.

I was traveling alone on a plane to meet my husband in Las Vegas, where he was working. I was completing some homework for a life-coaching course. One of the questions asked, “What is your heart’s burning desire?” I couldn't come up with an answer. This left me with a sense of despair. Lord, who am I? I have no dreams, no passions, no hopes that are uniquely mine. Who did you create me to be?

As a young woman, I dreamed of doing great things for God. I took on one leadership role after another in the faith community. I wanted to serve God. But, I also loved the praise and attention that accompanied leadership. My dreams focused on me doing great things.

As I grew in relationship with God, he revealed glimpses of my hearty ego. He began to gently pull me back, out of the limelight. I was a young mom at the time and he redirected my ministry towards home: serving my family, raising my children and home educating them. A quote by Mother Theresa became my mantra, “I can do no great things. I can only do small things with great love.” For years, I stopped dreaming of future plans.[1]

As the kids grew up, my friends began to ask, “What will you do when they graduate?” I didn't have an answer. I was afraid to dream, because I didn't trust my ego. So, I decided to wait on God to reveal my next assignment.

It was during this time that a friend asked me to review Pathway to Purpose for Women by Katie Brazelton. My initial, gut reaction was negative. The title sounded too much like dreaming for God, which was something I thought He didn't want me to do. However, I read it anyway for my friend. To my surprise, in the midst of reading the book, God revealed a new life purpose. It suited me perfectly. It both thrilled and terrified me. He birthed a dream in me: to be a writer!

I have found that dreams are usually linked to God-given passions. As a young girl, I started to write, but lost confidence, and never pursued it. Yet, writing remained an integral part of my being. I journaled, wrote for and edited newsletters, and if anything major occurred, I had to write it down on paper.

God gives each of us unique desires, talents and experiences which empower us to live out his purposes. What am I passionate about? What do I love to do? For me, a childhood dream was a clue to the answer. For some, God redeems areas of brokenness: a former inmate might launch a prison ministry. Others are passionate about areas where they hold exceptional talents, such as in music, art, or sports.

The dream itself is not as crucial as its purpose. God is co-missioning partners in his world-wide project of Redemption:  He's calling men and women back to himself.[2] He needs workers. He has unique positions open for each of us. His dream for me goes beyond writing. Writing is simply a tool to further His global objective.

Back on that airplane, God answered my “Who am I?” question far more quickly than I anticipated. Within the hour, I laid down my homework and picked up a book to read by George MacDonald (1824-1905). His writing has open my eyes to see God in new ways and, thereby, to love God more. Suddenly, it hit me. That’s it! That's my “heart’s burning desire.” I want to write to enable others to see God in new ways and love him more. I dare to believe he can do it through me.

I've adopted a new mantra:

I can do nothing without God.[3] But, he can do anything through me.[4]

Dreaming with God is not about me doing great things. It’s about God doing great things. I am limited in every way:  time, money, energy, and ability. God is limitless. He sweeps away every barrier. He can do anything through anyone, even me... if I dare to dream.
Every great dream begins with a dreamer.
Always remember, you have within you
the strength, the patience, and the passion
to reach for the stars to change the world.
Harriet Tubman (1820-1913) American escaped slave and abolitionist who led 70 slaves to freedom on the Underground Railroad

Taking it further…
Next post: Feb. 1, "Get Out of the Boat!" (Matthew 14).

[1] I am not saying that young moms should not dream. This was God’s unique path for me.
[2] 1 Peter 3:9; Romans 10:13-15; the redemption theme runs through the entire Word of God
[3] John 15:5
[4] Luke 1:37


  1. Hi Peggi: I come here via LinkedIn. I have browsed your blog and like what you have written.
    I blog as quiet spirit at quietspirit-following my king.blogspot.com On LinkedIn I use my real name Cecelia Lester.

  2. Hi Cecelia,
    Thanks for commenting!
    I love your name "quiet spirit." I used to subscribe to a magazine by that name. I've headed over to your blog to check it out! Peggi

  3. Hi Peggi,
    God bless you. Your blog is quite enlightening, and a blessing to those who want to reach the lost. You have chosen well, as God has become the center of your life.
    We need to turn our plans, and desires over to Him, and truly trust Him. Your message brings hope to those who feel the need to help God. Let go, Let God, for, "I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me." Blessings to you, and your loved ones. May the Lord continue to use you.

  4. Hi Johnny,
    Thanks for taking the time to read and comment. I appreciate your kind words and blessing. Glad to connect with you through LinkedIn. I was blessed by your blog, also!


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