Jesus is My Open Door | Revelation 3

Welcome to Real Life. An open door is a beautiful image of opportunity. A closed door means “forget about it.” Jesus uses this imagery in his message to the church in Philadelphia: 

These are the words of him who is holy and true, who holds the key of David.
What he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open.[1]
David was the most beloved king of Israel. He is described as a man after God’s own heart. As such, David foreshadows Jesus as the ultimate beloved King of Kings. Jesus holds the key to open or lock the Kingdom of Heaven.

Unlike other churches he addresses in Revelation, Jesus has no rebuke for this church:

I know your deeds.
See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut.
I know that you have little strength,
yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name.[2]
Jesus sees me. He knows me. He knows what I do and what I fail to do. Apart from him, I can do nothing.[3] With him, everything is possible.[4] As I follow him in obedience, he opens more doors - doors of spiritual insight, doors of ministry, and doors of spiritual strength.

I, too, have little strength. I am small, weak, and limited in my abilities and choices. I don’t have enough talent, time, money, health, education, (fill in the blank) to do great things for God. Yet, I have the power of choice. I can choose to open the door to Jesus. And Jesus holds the keys to every other door. He is limitless and all-powerful. When I invite him to work through me nothing is impossible – all barriers and limits are removed. By the power of his Spirit, I can keep his Word and live an extraordinary life that reflects Christ, not a life that denies his existence.

An open door is a beautiful image. It speaks of welcome – invitation – opportunity – the fulfillment of dreams. 

Jesus is my open door.

[1] Revelation 3:7
[2] Revelation 3:8
[3] John 15:5
[4] Matthew 19:26


  1. He uses you in beautiful ways. What a blessing for you and those of us who know you.


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